Consulitng, Investor
Type :Consulting GmbH
Access Nr :ATU 74759415
Service Price :
GOODSHARES - Consulting GmbH, Vienna - Austria


Founded in 2019, Goodshares Consulting is a venture capital firm based in Vienna, Austria

I. We are consultants. We found and manage our own companies. We know the challenges of building a company from the ground up and keeping it running. With lots of passion and experience, we counsel others on their projects and visions. If they are sustainable. Or want to be. II. Sustainable companies are not in it for a quick buck at the expense of people and the environment. They know that each economic decision comes with social and environmental impacts. After all, they want to achieve positive long-term results. III. Consumers and employees are becoming ever more critical and start asking questions about a company’s social and environmental strategies. Greenwashing will come out in the end. Sustainability is not just a marketing story but needs to be an integral part of every successful business strategy.
Correspondent Address, Contact
Liliengasse 1 Vienna Austria DG A - 1010
Contact Person :Mr. Mgr. Rohla / Mr. Mayer
Contact Person is :Co-Founder
Telephone:+ 43 / 676 7021 700
www :www.goodshares.at
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